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Plats à Hotel Les Trois Rois

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant is expensive, but the quality of food, drinks, and service make it worth the cost. Some visitors, however, feel that the price is a bit high for the overall experience.
  • Fine Dining at Cheval Blanc

    - the balance of flavors, texture, and even temperature of the dishes is impressive. It's a breathtaking dining experience.
  • Classic Afternoon Tea

    - a great choice for a lovely afternoon. The tea is delicious and served in unique teapots.
  • Drinks and Cocktails at the Bar and Lounge

    - expensive but incomparable. The quality and taste are fabulous.
  • Food at the Bar and Lounge

    - highly recommended for its fabulous taste.
  • - fun and enjoyable with excellent service.

Plats et boissons à Hotel Les Trois Rois


croissants gâteaux crème brulée sorbet glace parfait gaufres gâteau aux fruits che pâtisserie


dukkah viande youtiao kachamak ravioli rösti pâtes fromage agneau salades filet américain tartare completo foie gras crevettes truffe poisson soupe fruits de mer risotto bœuf sandwichs soupe de fruits de mer tartare de bœuf porc la volaille œufs pochés bisque de homard cordon bleu bisque steaks salona huîtres kama émincé De Veau à La Zurichoise soupe au homard pain ciabatta club sandwichs flétan champignons parmesan frites risotto aux truffes canard saumon veau