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Plats à LAURENCE salon de thé, restaurant, brocante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as very good, with simple dishes available for a very reasonable price (25€ for a starter/main or main/dessert and 29€ for a starter/main/dessert).
  • Pork Cheeks with Pasta and Homemade Dried Tomato Sauce

    - the pork cheeks are tender and the flavors of the dish are superb.
  • Laurence's Homemade Dishes

    - the dishes are delicious and served in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Laurence's Desserts

    - they are highly recommended by customers for being exceptionally good.
  • Sophisticated Lunch

    - the lunch is well-cooked and a little sophisticated, which is a refreshing change from crepes and burgers.
  • Fresh Cider

    - a glass of fresh cider that isn't too sweet is recommended to accompany the meal.

Plats et boissons à LAURENCE salon de thé, restaurant, brocante

Particularités du restaurant

déjeuner endroit idéal dîner


gâteaux parfait madeleines gâteau aux fruits meringue moelleux lava cake au chocolat mousse


café thé vin chocolat chaud chocolat cidre