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Plats à Auberge du Bachelin

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered to be unbeatable and excellent, although one review did note that the prices were a little high compared to the kitchen. Despite this, the overall consensus is that the restaurant offers good value for money.
  • Snails

    - the reviews mention that the snails are a real treat and worth trying.
  • Homemade Desserts

    - there is a special mention for the homemade dessert cart. If you have a sweet tooth, don't miss the dessert trolley.
  • Picon Beer

    - the picon beer comes highly recommended along with the whole meal.
  • Home Cooking

    - the home cooking at the restaurant is described as delicious.
  • - the frites (fries) are especially noted for being excellent.
  • Regional Cuisine

    - the cuisine is regional and of good quality.
  • Carbonnade

    - the carbonnade is mentioned as superb and excellent.
  • Fish Dish

    - a wonderful fish dish was highlighted in one of the reviews.
  • Chicken with Maroilles

    - the chicken with maroilles is described as a delight.
  • Kidneys

    - the kidneys were praised as magnificent.