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Plats à Ô Braises Rouges

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant seems to be generally good, with some users mentioning excellent value for money. However, there are also some negative reviews stating that the food is overpriced for its quality.
  • Red Meat

    - highly recommended by a few users for its delightful taste.
  • Kidneys

    - a unique dish that users found delightful.
  • Seafood Buffet

    - loved by many for its variety and quality.
  • - a popular choice with a wide range of options.
  • Charcuterie

    - praised for its quality and variety, especially the sausages and country ham.
  • - part of a special menu, it seemed to be appreciated by users.
  • Lobster

    - also part of a special menu, it was mentioned positively.
  • Oysters and Prawns

    - included in the weekday lunch buffet, they were noted as a highlight.
  • Italian Ice Cream

    - a nice surprise for the visitors.
  • Prawns a la Plancha

    - highly recommended by a user.
  • Marinated Chicken and Duck Breast

    - mentioned as very good by a user.