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Plats à Le Darnétal

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered very good, offering exceptional meats and unique dishes at reasonable prices. However, some visitors felt the food and drinks were overrated and offered average value for money.
  • Entrecôte served with potatoes roasted in beef fat

    - this dish is highly recommended for meat lovers, as it has been praised for its excellent quality and delicious taste.
  • Hot oysters with champagne

    - this unique dish received a special mention for its exceptional flavor and is worth trying for seafood enthusiasts.
  • Angus beef to share

    - this dish is cut in front of you, which adds an exciting interactive element to your dining experience. It has been described as a pure marvel.
  • Semi-cooked tuna

    - this dish was praised for its perfect cooking, making it a must-try for fish lovers.
  • Simmenthal beef

    - this succulent piece of beef is another meat dish that has been highly recommended by visitors.
  • Pig's trotters as a starter

    - this unusual starter received a special mention for its delicious taste.
  • Roast Camembert for dessert

    - this is an interesting choice for those who prefer savory desserts.

Plats et boissons à Le Darnétal

Particularités du restaurant

déjeuner service exceptionnel dîner carte des vins endroit idéal fête d'anniversaire personnel amical atmosphère chaleureuse


parfait mousse gâteaux glace gâteau aux fruits nougat crème brulée dessert de brulee glace à la vanille crème brulée tarte tatin sorbet


champagne vin armagnac whisky vin blanc brandy cognac café apéritif de vin chocolat americano vin rosé kir vin de maison


dukkah steaks fruits de mer bœuf poisson la volaille viande foie gras filet mignon huîtres fromage cuisses de grenouille filet de boeuf steak succulent pâté de canard puto kachamak salades loup de mer agneau flétan tartes sole meunière gratin de crabe champignons veau canard filet américain lotte terrine pâté crabes salade de canard completo saumon crevettes sandwichs sandwich fondant bœuf fondant pâtes assiette de fromage steaks au poivre escargots thon saumon fumé steak au poivre amandină crevettes à l'ail poisson blanc escalopes filet de poisson tartine charlotte