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Plats à Café Fino Brunch, Coffee Shop

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio is generally seen as excellent, with many customers praising the affordable prices for the high-quality food. However, some found the service to be slow, especially during busy times.
  • - highly recommended by several customers for its delicious taste.
  • Toast with Avocado and Yak

    - a unique combination that's worth trying.
  • Eggs Benedict with Salmon

    - another popular breakfast dish, often paired with a latte.
  • - described as one of the best ever had by a customer.
  • Avocado Tartine

    - a favorite among regulars.
  • Pistachio Tiramisu

    - an interesting choice for those looking to try something new.
  • - rated as the best some customers have ever had.
  • - praised for their excellent quality.
  • - cafe Fino's version is highly recommended.
  • - while not the best, it's still appreciated given the lack of matcha culture in Nice.
  • - generally well-received by customers.