
Zum Fäßchen

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34 notes
FerméOuvre à 17:00
€€€ Fourchette de prix par personne jusqu'à €10
Zum Fäßchen sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Hauptstraße 56
Überherrn, Sarre, Allemagne
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Ce restaurant offre un service décontracté à ses invités. Une atmosphère calme a été remarquée par les clients. D'après le classement de Google, Zum Fäßchen a reçu un score de 4.4.

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Avis des visiteurs sur Zum Fäßchen

/ 22
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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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Norbert Vachet Demander la suppression d'informations
Ambiance franco-allemande sympa et accueillant et pas cher plus le dimanche happy hours
Seb Fiori Demander la suppression d'informations
Neo-Nazi cafe!!!!! I came last night with my wife for a drink. And put a bill in a slot machine. We were rejected by a customer who told us to return to France because the machine was reserved for his friend. While this one was free and empty (no money required). Please note that no slot machine in Germany is subject to reservation as long as it is in a public place. In short, even the waitress got involved and we were thrown out even though our glass was not even empty. And in passing the customer tells me to go and sober up in France even though I only drink orange juice and my wife has a Coke. Deplorable coffee to avoid, racist towards the French even though the gentleman spoke French very well. I regret that the waitress did not know how to do her job correctly; she does not know how to receive and validate all the words of this gentleman. Rasist!!!!
Jeanette Desruines Demander la suppression d'informations
Best pub beyond the borders, service super cool, always friendly and in a good mood A music pub with a lot of heart and feeling, in summer with a beautiful outdoor terrace. Very nice people here I love it...maybe you will become a fan too... Service: 5 Atmosphere: 5
FerméOuvre à 17:00
€€€ Fourchette de prix par personne jusqu'à €10
Zum Fäßchen sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Hauptstraße 56
Überherrn, Sarre, Allemagne
Hauptstraße 56, Überherrn, Sarre, Allemagne
En espèces seulement Pas de livraison Terrasse extérieure Accès personnes handicapées
Heures d'ouverture
LundiLun 17:00-00:00
MardiMar 17:00-00:00
MercrediMer 17:00-00:00
JeudiJeu 17:00-00:00
VendrediVen 17:00-01:00
SamediSam 15:00-01:00
DimancheDim 15:00-00:00

Mets Délicieux à Überherrn

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