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Plats à Zagora Grill Room and Wine Cellar

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors find the restaurant reasonably priced for the quality of food and drink they offer, although some dishes may be considered overpriced (such as the calamari starter). Some complaints about service and limited food options.
  • - the salmon dish is highly recommended by several visitors who claim it's the best they've ever had.
  • - the lamb is described as falling off the bone, with fluffy mash and perfectly cooked green beans.
  • Wild Mushroom Tagliatelle

    - the pasta dish is well-liked, although some suggest a swap of walnuts for pine nuts.
  • Crumbed Chicken Breast

    - this dish is described as super soft and creamy.
  • Flat Bread Butter Chicken

    - a tasty dish, but some found the flat bread tough and chewy.
  • Kingklip Dish

    - this dish received compliments for its fantastic flavors.
  • - a dessert that ended the meal on a high note for some diners.
  • Pita Falafel and Haloumi

    - a brilliant vegetarian option.
  • Dark Chocolate Fondant with Orange Ice Cream Brulé, Orange Segments and Brandy Orange Sauce

    - a delicious dessert option.
  • Cocktails

    - the cocktails are highly rated and described as affordable.
  • Buffet

    - the buffet is praised for its variety and affordability.
  • Richelieu

    - no specific comments mentioned, but it was ordered and enjoyed.
  • Blue Lagoon

    - same as above, it was ordered and enjoyed.