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Plats à "U-Nautic" Restaurant & Pension

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
According to most reviews, the restaurant offers good value for money. The food is generally considered to be of high quality and the prices are viewed as reasonable.
  • - many reviewers praised the fish dishes, indicating that they are well-prepared and delicious.
  • - the schnitzel is also a favorite among many customers, though one reviewer had a negative experience with the veal schnitzel.
  • Vanilla Parfait

    - this dessert was specifically mentioned as being very tasty.
  • Salmon with Ribbon Noodles

    - this dish received mixed reviews. While the salmon was appreciated, one reviewer complained about the noodles being cold.
  • - the fish soup was enjoyed by one reviewer, but they noted it only contained salmon and no other types of fish.