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Plats à Taverna del Borghese

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as fair, indicating that the quality of the dishes justifies the prices charged.
  • - reviewers consistently praised the appetizers, noting that they were very tasty and well presented. They are worth trying for their freshness and quality.
  • Primi

    - the pasta dishes at this restaurant received high praise for their excellent taste. These dishes respect traditional recipes but are also original and carefully prepared.
  • Arrosto

    - the roast dishes, particularly the mixed roast, were highlighted as being delicious and of high quality. They are recommended for those who want to try the restaurant's meat specialties.
  • Specialità Pugliesi rivisitate

    - the restaurant offers a range of dishes that are reinterpretations of typical Apulian cuisine. These dishes are made with quality ingredients and presented with care and creativity.
  • - these are highly recommended by the reviewers. They are said to be excellent and made with first choice products.
  • Fixed Menu

    - even though it was a fixed menu, everything was delicious and very fresh. This is an indication of the restaurant's commitment to quality and freshness.
  • Drinks

    - while no specific drinks were mentioned in the reviews, the overall high praise for the restaurant suggests that their drink selection likely matches the quality of their food.

Plats et boissons à Taverna del Borghese


liqueur cordial vin sherry fino sherry vin de maison café vietnamese iced tea michelada


dukkah antipasto viande soupe brouet focaccia pâtes salsiccia spaghetti kachamak hackepeter viande grillée fondue mozzarella parmigiana completo lotte fromage coppa poisson ragoût risotto burrata porc speck bacon ricotta filet américain steaks bœuf polenta burgers fruits de mer mézé aubergines à la parmigiana saucisses hamburgers fatteh rouleaux pâtes aux olives