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Plats à Sushi Okeya Kyujiro

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors find the restaurant very pricey, but many believe that the high price tag is worth it for the unique and high-quality experience.
  • Omakase Kaiseki

    - a narrative of flavors, each telling a story of Japanese culinary heritage.
  • Bento Box

    - great tasting fish, would have prefer a better variety for the price.
  • - remembered with delight by visitors.
  • Sablefish with Miso

    - another memorable bite.
  • Tuna Belly

    - a favorite among diners.
  • Wagyu Beef

    - highly recommended for those who can afford it.
  • Yuzu Drink

    - a nice, bright starter.
  • Warm Egg

    - another good starter.
  • Sushi and Sashimi

    - multiple rounds are served, all with fresh fish.
  • - varied and full of flavor.
  • Bluefin Tuna

    - part of the expensive but worth-it experience.
  • Hummingbird Squid

    - unique and delicious.
  • Freshly Shaved Dried Bonito

    - an ingredient not to be missed.
  • Trumpet Fish

    - a dish not often seen in Montreal.
  • Baby Octopi

    - a unique and high-quality ingredient.
  • Dicon and Mollusk

    - nice contrast in texture.
  • Chawanmushi with Crab

    - soft, subtle, and sweet crab flavor.
  • Bonito Sashimi

    - like tuna but firmer.
  • Japanese Hairy Crab

    - delicate and sweet.
  • Yellowfin Maguro

    - soft texture that melts in your mouth.
  • Black Cod White Ginger Root

    - subtle seasoning, good contrast.
  • Fried Lobster with Hidalgo Citrus

    - good contrast, fresh lobster, nice subtle citrus flavor, delicate and refined.
  • Torched Hokkaido Scallop with Miso

    - smokey flavor, nice contrast and well seasoned.
  • Otoro Tuna

    - so good.
  • Salt Water Eel with Roasted Sesame Seeds

    - the roasted sesame really made this fly.
  • Sake

    - pairs beautifully with the food but can be pricey.
  • - can be pricey, be sure to confirm the price before ordering.