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Plats à Stolovaya 888

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as average to good. Some visitors find the prices slightly higher than in other similar places, while others consider them quite affordable. The variety of dishes is praised by many, and the quality of food is generally considered good. However, some dishes and drinks received negative reviews.
  • Chanakhi with lamb

    - a highly recommended dish that will leave you licking your fingers.
  • Baked vegetables

    - described as simply fantastic by the reviewers.
  • Beetroot salad with nuts

    - a surprisingly delicious dish that exceeds expectations.
  • Cheesecakes and baked pudding

    - might be a bit too sweet for some, but you can add condensed milk if you like it sweet.
  • Sea buckthorn drink

    - a refreshing drink that brings back childhood memories.
  • Hodgepodge soup

    - a thick, tasty soup that left a good impression on the visitors.
  • Cottage cheese casserole

    - a tasty and healthy option.
  • Omelette and sandwiches

    - a good choice for breakfast.
  • Coffee from the machine

    - a decent coffee option for a good price.
  • Fresh pastries

    - very tasty according to the reviews.
  • Carrot cake

    - a pleasant surprise among the desserts.