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Plats à Ristorante Pizzeria A I Tre Archi - Villa Giannini

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of the price/quality ratio, reviews are mixed. Some reviewers find the prices slightly higher than normal or too high for the quantity of food, while others find the prices average. The service can be slow, but the food is generally well-received.
  • - many reviewers rave about the pizza, calling it excellent and delicious. Even the gluten-free pizza is highly recommended.
  • Beef Cut

    - one reviewer mentioned a very good cut of beef that was served with excellent quality wine.
  • - a group ate fish-based dishes and found everything to be fresh and freshly prepared.
  • Square Cooked in Wood Oven

    - a unique dish that one reviewer found to be excellent.
  • Appetizers

    - although one reviewer found them to lack diversity and quantity for their price, another reviewer found the appetizers to be original and tasty.
  • Gluten-Free Pizza

    - noted by one reviewer as being excellent.
  • Desserts

    - while one reviewer didn't recommend the desserts, they didn't provide specific details about why.

Plats et boissons à Ristorante Pizzeria A I Tre Archi - Villa Giannini