
Palazzetto dello sport - PalaPadel Gerenzano

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FerméOuvre à 16:00
Palazzetto dello sport - PalaPadel Gerenzano sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Via Inglesina, 37
Gerenzano, Lombardie, Italie
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Palazzetto dello sport - PalaPadel Gerenzano offre un service énorme à ses invités. D'après les réactions des utilisateurs sur Google, ce lieu mérite la note de 4.2.

Evaluations des Palazzetto dello sport - PalaPadel Gerenzano

Avis des visiteurs des Palazzetto dello sport - PalaPadel Gerenzano

/ 74
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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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Nice well organized building with a gym underneath for warming up before the race, and the bar. only the bathrooms leave something to be desired
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Terrible organization, half the time I go to this place to play basketball, often with my friends it's closed, even though it says on the website that it's open. I don't understand why you can't let children/teenagers come in to play and have fun. I hope that in the future the place will be organized MUCH better because it has a lot of potential.
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Unfortunately it was a rainy day but the structure was well organised ... I highly recommend having breakfast at the building bar... Excellent cakes with a Nutella heart
FerméOuvre à 16:00
Palazzetto dello sport - PalaPadel Gerenzano sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Via Inglesina, 37
Gerenzano, Lombardie, Italie
Via Inglesina, 37, Gerenzano, Lombardie, Italie
Accès personnes handicapées
Heures d'ouverture
LundiLun 16:00-23:30
MardiMar 16:00-23:30
MercrediMer 16:00-23:30
JeudiJeu 16:00-23:30
VendrediVen 16:00-23:30
SamediSam 16:00-23:30
DimancheDim Fermé

Mets Délicieux à Gerenzano

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