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Plats à Osteria Nova

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio of the restaurant is generally considered good, with some customers even stating that the prices are too low for the quality of food and service offered. However, a few customers found the restaurant to be too expensive.
  • Snickers Ice Cream

    - customers praised this dessert as "amazing" and "really good", making it a must-try.
  • Beef Mince with Fried Yolk and Marjoram Mayonnaise

    - this dish was described as "stratospheric", indicating its high quality and delicious taste.
  • Duck Breast with Red Wine and Berry Sauce

    - as the "icing on the cake", this dish is highly recommended for its exceptional taste.
  • Spaghetti with Pistachio and Shrimp

    - this pasta dish was loved for its delightful seafood flavor, making it a standout choice.
  • Pork Ribs with Apple Sauce

    - the ribs were praised for being cooked perfectly and not being fatty at all.
  • Guinea Fowl Meatball, Parmesan and Truffle Fondue

    - this welcome entrée was part of an excellent menu that impressed customers.
  • Plin stuffed with Guinea Fowl, Broth and 36-month-old Parmesan

    - part of the first course, this dish was part of the delicate and refined cuisine.
  • Fusillone with Porcini Cream, Catmint and Freeze-dried Red Fruits

    - another first course dish that was part of the restaurant's exquisite dinner.
  • - this main course is recommended for meat lovers.
  • Classic Tiramisu and Chocolate Cake with Goat Cheese and Pear Mousse

    - these desserts are a great way to end the meal.
  • - among the wines tried, the white wine was rated as alright.
  • - this traditional Italian lemon liqueur was part of an excellent dining experience.