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Plats à Osteria 1808

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as average. Some found it to have a good quality/price ratio, while others felt the high prices were not justified by the quality of the dishes.
  • Fried Anchovies

    - reviewers have praised these as excellent, suggesting they are a must-try dish.
  • Small Calamari

    - also highly recommended by customers for their taste and quality.
  • First Courses

    - the restaurant's starters have been complimented for their variety and quality.
  • Desserts

    - customers have enjoyed the desserts, specifically praising their excellence.
  • - the restaurant offers a good selection of wines, many of which can be ordered by the glass.
  • Tagliolini with Mushrooms and Shrimp

    - this pasta dish has been mentioned as a tasty choice.
  • - reviewers have recommended these as a refreshing dessert option.

Plats et boissons à Osteria 1808

Particularités du restaurant

déjeuner terrasse endroit idéal dîner personnel amical


che semifreddo zabaione millefoglie gâteaux


liqueur cordial vin café ristretto vietnamese iced tea expresso sherry fino sherry


pâtes poisson tartare viande gnocchi dukkah ravioli antipasto fruits de mer fromage calamari kachamak dorade brouet soupe lotte crevettes spaghetti poutargue misir parmigiano hackepeter salades pâtes au pesto mézé terrine pâté ragoût cappon Magro branzino salsa tagliatelles focaccia fritto misto croustade pizza