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Plats à Brasserie Muze

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as good by most visitors, although some feel it does not offer value for money.
  • Pancakes with ice cream and chocolate

    - a sweet treat that is highly recommended by reviewers.
  • Flemish stew with salad and fries

    - a hearty dish that was enjoyed by diners and served in generous portions.
  • Coupe Mocha

    - a dessert option that was nicely presented with whipped cream and appreciated for its taste.
  • - a seafood dish that was very well received, although the accompanying toast was criticized for being hard.
  • Salad Scampi

    - a beautifully presented lunch option with fresh fruit, which was deemed very tasty.
  • - although the review is in Dutch, the positive sentiment suggests it's a dish worth trying.
  • Steak Tartare

    - the review suggests it's lightly seasoned, which might be preferred by some diners.
  • Baked Camembert

    - despite being criticized for being cold on the inside, its perfect grilling and presentation makes it worth a try.
  • Moctails

    - an ideal choice for non-alcoholic beverage options.
  • - highly recommended by several reviewers for its quality.