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Plats à Mets Envies

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally rated as reasonable, although some visitors found the prices to be prohibitive. Some visitors also mentioned slow service and billing errors, but overall, the food quality and presentation are highly praised.
  • Foie Gras Maison

    - homemade foie gras, praised for its freshness and quality.
  • Suprême de Pintade

    - a top recommended dish, known for its excellent taste.
  • Finger Exotique

    - an exotic dessert that has received high praise from visitors.
  • Meats/Scallops/Prawns/Smoked Salmon

    - all mentioned as being perfectly prepared, especially during catering services.
  • Rum Baba and Passion Fruit

    - a special treat, highly recommended by multiple visitors.
  • Tasting Menu

    - a great option to try a variety of dishes, all made with quality ingredients.
  • Barbecue Steak from Argentina

    - although one visitor was disappointed, it's worth trying if you prefer well-cooked steak.