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Plats à Mama Leone Inh, Susan Leone

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of price/quality ratio, the restaurant is rated highly. Many reviewers noted that the food is very good for the price, with one stating that the prices are "surprisingly still very moderate." Others commented on the excellent value for money.
  • - multiple reviews highlighted the pizza as a standout dish, with the Pizza Hawaii and pizza bread starter receiving special mentions. The pizza bread with green herb sauce was described as "addictive" and unique to this restaurant.
  • Schnitzel with Fries and Pasta

    - this large portioned dish was praised for its good value and delicious taste.
  • Calcone with Green Sauce

    - a long-time guest of the restaurant recommended this dish, describing it as the "best in Germany."
  • Green Sauce

    - several reviews mentioned the green sauce, either with pizza or other dishes, as a must-try item.
  • Schnitzel Milanese

    - one reviewer specifically recommended this dish.
  • - mentioned in one review as being "excellent."
  • - while not specifically described, the salad was mentioned in combination with pizza and green sauce.
  • - despite one negative review, the bruschetta was still mentioned as part of the restaurant's offerings.