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Plats à Le Traiteur du Village - Maison Franco

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally viewed as good, although a few reviewers did find the prices to be slightly high.
  • - highly recommended by multiple reviewers, described as excellent and the best some have ever had. It's also noted as being very hearty and good value for money.
  • Provençal Squid

    - mentioned multiple times as being tender and excellent, though one reviewer noted it was a bit salty.
  • Picolat Balls

    - described as a real treat by reviewers.
  • - another dish that reviewers found to be very good.
  • Stuffed Calamis

    - one reviewer called this a pure delight.
  • Stuffed Squirrels

    - though an unusual dish, it's described as a delight by one reviewer.
  • Farmer's Chicken

    - one reviewer noted this dish as being of undeniable excellence.
  • Prepared Dishes

    - although not specified, these dishes were described as excellent by reviewers.

Plats à Le Traiteur du Village - Maison Franco