
Le Rocher - Lumio

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€€ Fourchette de prix par personne €9 - €23
Punta Di Spanu
Lumio, Corse, France
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L'extérieur de Le Rocher - Lumio
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La cuisine française est bien préparée à ce restaurant.

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Avis des visiteurs des Le Rocher - Lumio

/ 5
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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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Emmanuel H. Demander la suppression d'informations
Cadre enchanteur, fait pour le farniente.... Quant au repas, une vrai délice......
maria teresa Lodi Demander la suppression d'informations
Along the coast of Punta di Spanu in Lumio, there are four fascinating sandy coves, each with its own peculiarity. Among them, a beach seems to belong to Brittany, thanks to the large rocks in the sea, while the water exceeds 26°C in this hot July. Easily accessible, two coves have parking right next to them, while the others require a short 10-minute walk along a coastal path. These hidden gems, not mentioned in tourist guides or tourist offices. To reach them from Lumio, follow the N197 towards Marina di Sant'Ambrogio. At the marina, take the road to the left (indicated by a supermarket sign). Continue parallel to the railway after the level crossing, and the car park will be approximately 2km away.
Thierry Dufour Demander la suppression d'informations
It's beautiful this corner and not too crowded in season
Pas d'heure d'ouverture
€€ Fourchette de prix par personne €9 - €23
Punta Di Spanu
Lumio, Corse, France
Punta Di Spanu, Lumio, Corse, France
Pas de livraison Réservation

Mets délicieux de Lumio

Services du restaurant dans Lumio

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