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Plats à Le Resto du Boucher

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
However, not all reviews were positive. Some customers mentioned that the prices listed online do not match those at the restaurant, with one customer noting a significant price increase. The quality of some dishes, like the veal kidneys and foie gras, was also criticized. Overall, the price/quality ratio seems to be a point of contention among visitors.
  • Amlou Tiramisu

    - it's a unique twist on the classic Italian dessert that has gotten special mention from a customer.
  • Meat Dishes

    - many customers praised the quality of the meat served at the restaurant, with some specifically mentioning the steak and halal options.
  • Nutella Tiramisu

    - another interesting take on tiramisu, this time incorporating the popular hazelnut spread.
  • Fried Rib Steak + French Toast

    - a customer had a great experience with this combination.
  • Entrecôte Saignante au Beurre

    - this dish was praised for its taste and preparation. The restaurant even remade it for a customer who found it slightly overcooked.
  • Bavette Saignante

    - this dish was mentioned several times, with one customer calling it succulent and another praising the accompanying sweet potato puree.
  • Brioche Perdue et Glace Vanille

    - this dessert was highly recommended by a customer who said it was the best they've ever had.
  • - one customer gave a special mention to the salmon, calling it succulent.