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Plats à Le Restaurant Le Piquebaure

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally considered to be appropriate, although some visitors find it a bit overpriced. However, most agree that the quality of the food and the presentation are very good.
  • Veal Cassoulet

    - a super tasty main dish that is highly recommended, even though the price might be a bit high.
  • Pistachio Speculoos Dessert

    - this dessert is refined and has distinct flavors, and it's served with impeccable service.
  • - this cake provides a unique "sensation" and is definitely worth trying for those who appreciate food as an experience.
  • Shrimp Starter

    - the shrimp in this dish are grilled to perfection.
  • Tuna Entree

    - it's cooked perfectly rare and is a great choice for seafood lovers.
  • Beef Filet

    - this dish is bursting with flavor and is cooked perfectly.
  • Foie Gras Toast

    - a delightful starter that comes highly recommended.
  • - another excellent meat option that pairs well with a quality wine.
  • Spring Puff Pastry

    - a delicious dish that is highly recommended.
  • - this fish dish is highly recommended and is served in a milky broth.

Plats et boissons à Le Restaurant Le Piquebaure

Particularités du restaurant

dîner service exceptionnel personnel amical terrasse endroit idéal atmosphère chaleureuse déjeuner belle vue


parfait gâteau au chocolat soufflé lava cake au chocolat moelleux sorbet glace panna cotta che gâteaux gâteau aux fruits


vin chocolat vin rosé champagne vin blanc