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Plats à Le Marmiton

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as very good, with large portions of delicious food served in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • Picon au vin blanc with a dash of lemon syrup

    - a favorite aperitif that's highly recommended.
  • Speciality Dish (Half pizza and half salad on one plate)

    - an interesting and pleasantly surprising dish.
  • Gratinated Penne with Ham and Gruyère

    - perfectly cooked and a must-try.
  • American Filet

    - though it's suggested to change, the meat is succulent.
  • Savoyard Fondue

    - simple, efficient, and delicious.
  • Tartiflette and Tiramisu

    - after having these dishes, customers are left with a desire to return in the future.