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Plats à Restaurant La Part Des Anges - Mâcon

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as fair to high by most visitors, although some found it overpriced.
  • - an excellent choice, very well made and tasty.
  • Fish from the crié with mussel and chorizo sauce

    - a few customers were disappointed with this dish but it might be worth a try if you like seafood.
  • Duck main plate

    - some customers found it tasteless and overpriced.
  • Chocolate fondant dessert

    - perfectly cooked and loved by many.
  • Wide selection of wines

    - the restaurant offers a good choice of wine, including local reds.
  • Menu at 19 euros

    - a great deal with great service.

Plats et boissons à Restaurant La Part Des Anges - Mâcon


parfait tarte tatin crumble crème brulée gaufres glace dessert de brulee lava cake au chocolat moelleux tiramisu


kachamak dukkah filet américain tartare youtiao la volaille soupe foie gras risotto canard dinde mote tartes poisson completo escargots mangú terrine volaille pâté chorizo bœuf misir viande fruits de mer escalopes veau fromage virado causa crevettes steaks salades tagliatelles pâtes andouille saucisses steak succulent entrecôte camembert