The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
As for the price/quality ratio, the reviews are mixed. Some reviewers praised the quality of the meals and the service, while others criticized the lack of consistent cooking, especially with the beef and fish dishes. Several reviewers also mentioned that the dishes were served lukewarm. The restaurant's ambiance and presentation of the food were generally well-received.
Brioche Bread with Foie Gras
- this dish is a delight, especially for meat lovers.
Rosini Pavement with Racist Meat and Foie Gras
- despite the negative review about the quantity of foie gras and the quality of the knife provided, the dish itself seems to be worth trying.
Fondant au Chocolat/Mi-Cuit Dessert
- highly recommended by a reviewer, it's a must-try for those with a sweet tooth.