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Plats à Kaltenbrunnerhof Familie Pint

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Reviewers rate the price-quality ratio as excellent, mentioning tasty food, friendly service, and large portions at a good price.
  • Roulade with Sauce

    - reviewers rave about the roulade, calling it the best they've ever had and praising the sauce in particular.
  • Mango Slice Dessert

    - the mango slice dessert was good enough to take home, indicating its quality and taste.
  • Garlic Cream Soup

    - the garlic cream soup is described as wonderfully creamy, making it a must-try.
  • - the mixed salad receives positive reviews, though one reviewer suggests replacing the kidney and white beans with French beans.
  • Platter for 2 People

    - several reviewers mention the platter for two people, which includes tender beef, breaded chicken and pork, seasoned chicken breast, chops, bacon, onion rings, and baked mushrooms served with rice, fries, and fresh vegetables. They note that it's large enough to serve four.
  • Baked Mushrooms with Rice

    - part of the platter, these received specific praise for their delicious taste.
  • Very Good Fries

    - also part of the platter, the fries are described as very good.