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Plats à Iveria Cafe

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant seems to be a bit controversial. Some customers find the food expensive for the portion sizes and quality, while others think it's reasonable or even cheap for the quality and taste of the dishes. The majority of customers seem to appreciate the quality and taste of the food, despite some negative experiences.
  • - a popular breakfast item that has been highly praised by multiple visitors.
  • - another well-loved dish, especially when paired with curry sauce. The grilled version also comes highly recommended.
  • - specifically the chicken poke, which has been mentioned positively in several reviews. However, one customer reported food poisoning after consuming this dish.
  • - the restaurant offers a variety of salads, some of which are vegetarian.
  • - fresh and delicious according to most reviews, although there was one complaint about a cold, less fresh sandwich.
  • Desserts

    - not specified, but generally well-received.
  • - many customers claim it's the best in Tbilisi. However, there were a couple of negative comments about over-roasted and cold coffee.
  • - praised for its freshness and quality.
  • Hot Dog with Baked Jalapeno

    - described as delicious by one reviewer.