Response from the owner
3 mois plus tôt
Christophe Boucheix Hello Mr Let me answer you, I completely agree with you that the initiative of the city …Christophe Boucheix Hello Mr Let me answer you, I completely agree with you that the initiative of the city of Ville de Riom was very good and moreover the Festival was a great success for the city, thank you to them. As for the refreshment bar, the prices are displayed in advance before purchasing the consumption tickets, but you forgot to indicate in your comment that your deposit was not an ecocup "des Frénésies" but another Festival it seems to me from Annecy I think you can understand that we cannot return a deposit that we have not collected, well I hope so. Thank you for your frankness And the beer is local but I realize that Mr is a great connoisseur Very cordially Nicolas Indian saloonMore