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Plats à Imperio Grillades Portugaises

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
As for price/quality ratio, visitors generally find the prices at the restaurant to be reasonable and the food to be of high quality, despite a few negative experiences.
  • - this dish has been highly praised by users for its excellent preparation.
  • - despite mixed reviews, the grilled chicken seems to be a popular choice, especially when paired with the restaurant's amazing sauce.
  • Grilled Seafood Platter

    - the platter includes fish, calamari, octopus, shrimps, mussels, clams, and salmon. It's a generous portion that could feed two people.
  • - while the chicken is the star of the show, the grilled octopus also received positive reviews for its succulent taste.
  • - this combo received praise for its delicious taste and generous portion size.
  • Seafood Platter for Two

    - this $80 platter was appreciated for its generous size and well-cooked, well-seasoned seafood, despite the salmon being a bit dry.
  • Cocktails and Drinks

    - these were mentioned as being good, however no specific drinks were named.