Osteria il tenore

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Italien, Méditerranéen, Options végétariennes
Ouvert maintenant 18:00 - 22:00
€€ Fourchette de prix par personne €22 - €41
Osteria il tenore sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Falkenturmstraße 10
Munich, Bavière, Allemagne
Marienplatz (gare)
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Nourriture à Osteria il tenore
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Les clients apprécient la vue de Platzl et réservent une table ici pour un bon repas. Les cuisines cuisine italienne et méditerranéenne créées par un chef populaire sont merveilleuses à cet endroit. Un ravioli délectable est parmi les plats à goûter dans ce restaurant. Un certain nombre de invités trouvent que vous pouvez commander un tiramisu bon ici. Un vin de maison délicieux est la boisson la plus populaire de Il Tenore. Ici, vous pouvez boire un café immense.

Vous aurez de bons souvenirs de ce lieu parce qu'il est connu pour avoir un bon service et une équipe aimable, toujours prête à vous aider. On peut s'attendre à un prix abordable dans cet endroit. Un décor spectaculaire et une ambiance exotique permettent aux clients de se détendre. Ce restaurant a reçu une note de 4.6 dans le système de notation de Google.

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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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De passage à Munich je recommande ce restaurant italien très bon accueil et nous avons bien mangé
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Une surprise. Les pâtes étaient vraiment bonne et la pizza aussi. Je trouve que le service était un peu expéditif par contre.
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It was a cold winter night walking through the city centre. Me and my two friends were eager to find a nice cozy place to get warm and fulfil our desire for some good Italian food. Another friend of ours, who unfortunately could not join us in our little escapade, recommended Osteria Il Tenore for its good value for money, good food and attentive staff. We walked in and I gazed upon the decors. My first impression of the restaurant was plainness,  staleness and monotony. A restaurant trying too hard to show its Italian roots by its outdated and corny adornment. The year is 2015 and having empty bottles of wine, guitars and pictures of Pavarotti around the restaurant will not convince anyone that they will eat divine, original Italian food. After we helped ourselves for a quiet table in the corner of the restaurant, our waiter showed up, bringing along a black board with all the specials of the day written on it. That was actually my first clue that something is quite not right here, as the black board was huge and the specials of the day where almost as many as the normal dishes in the menu. When I astutely ask if it's ok to order from the regular menu, so that I can get the waiters reaction, I noticed that he seemed a bit bothered, just slightly, but then again it might have been a coincidence. The waiter was very polite and helpful and seemingly very knowledgable of the menu, but unfortunately in a pretentious kind of way. Another problem with him is that he tried to up sell, unfortunately in a sneaky kind of way. For example we wanted to try three antipasti (starters) dishes from the specials of the day menu and despite making clear that we want to try a little bit of each, he brought us three normal portions of all three dishes (15€ each). I won't get in details what those dishes were and how the tasted. In my opinion, nothing special and expensive. Moving on to our main course orders. I ordered from the specials of the day, a tagliolini al tartufo and my friends ordered a pizza and a calzone from the regular menu. Unfortunately, my friends got two pizzas instead of one pizza and one calzone, but they decided to keep the two pizzas. My dish costed 18.50€ and my friends pizza around 8.50€ a piece. The waiter, again, tried to up sell me white truffle instead of black without informing me about the price difference, which I find to be disrespectful and I politely declined his offer. Just out of curiosity I asked him how much was the difference and he said that the white truffle version costs 23€... The Pizzas were ok, but don't expect to find the original Italian thin crust amazing pizza you would find in Italy. The tagliolini al tartufo was a disaster. Since truffle is one of my favourite ingredients along with saffron and maybe gorgonzola cheese, not being able to even have a second bite of my dish was a tremendous waste and disappointment. The pasta was way overcooked, at a point where it was difficult to make it sit on the fork as they kept slipping away. Greasy, soft and oily. Besides that, I am pretty sure that it wasn't tagliolini to begin with. It looked more like capelini. Amazingly, that was not the major issue with my experience. Normally, a patron would call the waiter, complain and the waiter after offering his apologies would bring them another portion, cooked to perfection. But not this time. The waiter told me that this is egg pasta and it is supposed to be this way. Please, I don't have to be Italian to know how pasta should be cooked and since he didn't even admit that the pasta was overcooked I didn't want the chef to refire my dish as it would probably come back the same way. I ordered nothing else, ate a couple of slices from my friends pizza and the waiter was reasonable enough to take it of the bill. Before leaving, my friends walked up to the register to pay and complained for our poor experience and the staffs lack of professionalism. After that I went to the waiter to express my apologies for the whole incident and to tell him that sometimes it's nobody's fault. Sometimes it's just bad timing, bad luck or bad mood. And then the waiter said: "Your friends are talking such a lot of crap...". After these words, I knew I had to write a review and describe our experience at the Osteria Il Tenore. Normally I wouldn't.
Italien, Méditerranéen, Options végétariennes
Ouvert maintenant 18:00 - 22:00
€€ Fourchette de prix par personne €22 - €41
Osteria il tenore sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Falkenturmstraße 10
Munich, Bavière, Allemagne
Marienplatz (gare)
Marienplatz (gare)
Falkenturmstraße 10, Munich, Bavière, Allemagne
Cartes de crédit acceptées Terrasse extérieure Pas de livraison À emporter Réservation Accès personnes handicapées
Heures d'ouverture
LundiLun 12:00-14:30
MardiMar 12:00-14:30
MercrediMer 12:00-14:30
JeudiJeu 12:00-14:30
VendrediVen 12:00-14:30
SamediSam 18:00-22:00
DimancheDim Fermé

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