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Plats à Restaurant Le Régal

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as reasonable. Despite a few negative comments, most customers seem to be satisfied with the food and find it to be good value for money.
  • Discovery Menu

    - this is a generous and delicious offering that includes two starters, a main course, cheese, and dessert. It's worth the price of 54 euros.
  • - this appears to be homemade and is a part of the Discovery Menu.
  • Poached Egg with Parmesan Emulsion

    - another delightful dish from the Discovery Menu.
  • - highly recommended by customers for its quality and quantity.
  • Gourmet Coffee

    - a great choice for coffee lovers, it's also recommended by customers.
  • Vegetarian Dishes

    - the restaurant offers a variety of vegetarian options that are worth trying.
  • Fish and Meat Dishes

    - these are served with pastel flavors and are simple yet effective.
  • Desserts

    - despite some mixed reviews, they're generally well-received and are a part of the restaurant's reasonable pricing.

Plats et boissons à Restaurant Le Régal


parfait gâteaux gâteau aux fruits mousse pâtisserie


café vin vin blanc


dukkah youtiao tartes fromage la volaille foie gras poisson mote viande dinde misir escargots steaks filet mignon financier antipasto salades fruits de mer crevettes mozzarella saumon gravlax pâté terrine volaille completo filet américain