Gusto restaurant, menu

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Temporarily closed
Menu de téléchargement
Italien, Française, Options végétariennes
Horaires prévus : 12:00 - 14:00, 19:00 - 22:00
€€ Fourchette de prix par personne CHF 12 - CHF 51
Gusto restaurant sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Quai General Guisan, 34
Genève, Suisse
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Ayant vu Le Jardin Anglais, c'est le moment de faire une pause dans ce restaurant. La cuisine française et cuisine italienne de Gusto restaurant offre des repas authentiques. Vous pouvez toujours apprécier un risotto délicieux, c'est une offre spéciale de ce lieu. Essayez un panna cotta délectable.

La carte des vins ravira tous les palais, tous les visiteurs pourront trouver le vin qui leur plaira. Le plus souvent, vous reviendrez à cet endroit pour déguster un café immense. Un personnel patient attend les clients tout au long de l'année. Un service spectaculaire est toujours un plaisir. On vous recommande aussi cet endroit car il propose un prix juste. Un décor énorme et une ambiance silencieuse permettent aux clients de se détendre. D'après le classement de Google, ce restaurant a reçu un score de 4.

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Avis des visiteurs des Gusto restaurant

/ 28
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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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Valerie Cruchet Demander la suppression d'informations
Une véritable redécouverte ! La cuisine est vraiment montée en gamme. Mention spéciale pour le maigre parfaitement cuit et sa sauce nantaise et pour le chevreuil et sa sauce grand veneur et sa purée de trompettes de la mort. Cuisson maîtrisée et équilibre des plats. Un régal rare sur Genève. Bonne nouvelle : le Métropole se dépoussière.
alex T Demander la suppression d'informations
Très sympathique, bonne boulangerie et pâtisserie, tellement portugaise. Le service est rapide et souriant..
Harley Harrison Demander la suppression d'informations
We have just left this restaurant after possibly one of the most disappointing meals and unhygenic restrooms I have experienced. We arrived at Gusto restaurant within The Metropole which is considered a 5* hotel and we have heard good things about the restaurant previously so we were excited to experience a high standard of dining. We ordered an amuse bouche of caviar ... it arrived with a scallop carpaccio in a white sauce with the caviar hidden underneath leaves ... this plate was very over seasoned and unnecessarily salty which ruined the dish. The entree was a fried calamari dish and a ravioli neither of these were acceptable . The calamari was over fried the leek undercooked and sat in a very overpowering sauce this was sent back not eaten. The ravioli pasta although thin was undercooked to the point of chewy and the filling inside very bland. The main was a fillet of beef with very poor presentation and the fillet itself was chewy so again was not eaten. During the meal I visited the ladies restroom only to find as I walk in there were used tissues all over the floor and worst still of the three toilets present stall number 1. Had what I can only assume was dried menstrual blood on the seat the next toilet had excrement in and all had overflowing sanitary bins. (See pictures) This is most certainly not the standard I would expect from an establishment such as this and I was horrified and disgusted. This incident put me off returning to eat in the restaurant as cleanliness and hygiene is something that I think should never be compromised in a restaurant restroom. This meal set us back to the tune of 282 francs and although the service was attentive and the wine good I really can't give any praise to this experience other than this ! With only two other tables dining alongside us when we arrived the restaurant was practically empty and when we asked if the head chef was present to our dismay we learned that he was and he had served us this rubbish. We are well travelled and versed in fine dining and cuisines and feel so let down by our whole experience and now could never recommend this restaurant to our clients. Not good enough and I would definitely avoid .... style over substance!
Italien, Française, Options végétariennes
Horaires prévus : 12:00 - 14:00, 19:00 - 22:00
€€ Fourchette de prix par personne CHF 12 - CHF 51
Gusto restaurant sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Quai General Guisan, 34
Genève, Suisse
Quai General Guisan, 34, Genève, Suisse
Cartes de crédit acceptées Réservation Pas de livraison Terrasse extérieure Pas de plats à emporter Accès personnes handicapées Wifi
Heures d'ouverture
LundiLun 12:00-14:00
MardiMar 12:00-14:00
MercrediMer 12:00-14:00
JeudiJeu 12:00-14:00
VendrediVen 12:00-14:00
SamediSam 12:00-14:00
DimancheDim 12:00-14:00
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