E Cosi Gelateria

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Ouvert maintenant 09:00 - 21:00
€€€ Fourchette de prix par personne €1 - €13
E Cosi Gelateria sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Apostolou Pavlou Avenue, Marina Court 12-13, 8046
Paphos, District de Paphos, Chypre
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E Cosi Gelateria propose une éventail de plats sucrés
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Après avoir visité Paphos Harbour and Port, essayez ce café qui n'est pas très loin. La cuisine cuisine italienne est bien préparée à E Cosi Gelateria. Commandez un ricotta cuit à la perfection. Commandez une glace à l'italienne fascinante. Selon les opinions des invités, les serveurs offrent un rhum délicieux ici. Vous apprecierez un frappe au chocolat immense dans ce lieu.

L'atmosphère agréable de cet endroit fait que les clients se sentent bien et passent un bon temps. Un personnel digne attend les clients tout au long de l'année. Un service luxueux est toujours un plaisir. C'est une bonne nouvelle pour les clients que ce café propose un prix démocratique. Le score général de E Cosi Gelateria sur Google est de 4.7.

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Avis des visiteurs des E Cosi Gelateria

/ 343
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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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Simplement de bonnes glaces, mais vraiment bonnes
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accueil avec le sourire gentillesse propreté et surtout glace et sorbet DÉLICIEUX
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This Ice cream shop is the worst shop on the Island in terms of customer service. I went there a few weeks ago with my husband we were trying to decide on what flavour to get so we askd if we could have a sample? And to our surprise we were rudely told its not allowed. Then we asked to speak to the manager and again rudely was told no then I askd why was this? and there was no response she wouldn't even look or talk to us. This is not how you treat your customers it was absolutely horrible the way we were treated. It's a normal thing to ask for a sample before you buy ice cream especially if there is more then 2 or 3 flavors, you get a sample to make sure you like the flavor common sense. Places like this give Cyprus a bad repertation for how they treat people. No customer services skills at all if you do a quick Google search for business on how successful a business can be with repeat customers it's more then a one time customer. This place has lost 2 repeat customers for life and I will never recomed this ice cream shop to people, friends or family. Save yourslef the embarmeant of going here and asking for a sample of ice cream and rudely being told no with no explanation. There are so many other ice cream shops right around the corner from this one and they will glady give you a sample I know because that's we're I went for ice cream when I was denied at E Cosi Gelateria ice cream Shop. Take your business to places that treat there customers with respect and great customer service.
Ouvert maintenant 09:00 - 21:00
€€€ Fourchette de prix par personne €1 - €13
E Cosi Gelateria sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Apostolou Pavlou Avenue, Marina Court 12-13, 8046
Paphos, District de Paphos, Chypre
Apostolou Pavlou Avenue, Marina Court 12-13, Paphos, District de Paphos, Chypre, 8046
Cartes de crédit acceptées Terrasse extérieure Wifi Pas de livraison À emporter Accès personnes handicapées Terrain de stationnement
Heures d'ouverture
LundiLun 09:00-21:00
MardiMar 09:00-21:00
MercrediMer 09:00-21:00
JeudiJeu 09:00-21:00
VendrediVen 09:00-21:00
SamediSam 09:00-21:00
DimancheDim 09:00-21:00
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