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Plats à Fondouk El Attarine

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
However, most reviewers agreed that the price/quality ratio at this restaurant is excellent, with meals priced at 45 TND (around 15 euros) per person for a fixed menu of two courses plus dessert. Despite some negative comments, the overall consensus is that the restaurant offers good value for money.
  • - highly recommended by multiple reviewers for its excellent taste.
  • Sea Bass Stuffed in a Pastry Sheet

    - a unique seafood dish that offers a spicy twist.
  • - praised for its freshness and flavor, a great starter option.
  • - another couscous variant that received positive reviews.
  • Egg Brick (Brick à l’œuf)

    - a standout dish that is reportedly better here than elsewhere.
  • Sweet and Salty Salad

    - an original dish that combines contrasting flavors.
  • Honey Tea

    - a delightful beverage with a sweet twist, praised by one of the reviewers.
  • Bouza and Assida Dessert Mix

    - a traditional dessert offering a unique taste experience, although it might be quite spicy for some.