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Plats à Restaurant el Crostó

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as excellent, indicating that the restaurant provides good value for money.
  • - despite being a bit tough, it's a popular choice among diners.
  • - described as "just crazy," this dish seems to be a must-try.
  • - this dessert was highlighted for its spectacular taste.
  • - the oxtail received positive reviews for its taste.
  • - while the price was considered a bit high, the entrecote was generally well-received.
  • - despite some issues with the cooking, the ravioli might still be worth trying.
  • Melon con Jamon

    - highly recommended by one of the visitors.
  • Matured Entrecot

    - another meat dish that comes highly recommended.
  • Pies de Cerdo (Pig's Feet)

    - one reviewer suggested trying them without the cheese, mustard, and sherry.