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Russe, Européen, Moyen-Orient
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© OpenStreetMap contributions
Pankratyevsky Lane, 2, 107045
Moscou, Russie
Soukharevskaïa (métro de Moscou)
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Nourriture à Druzhba
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Ce café et Stela in Honour of Sukharevskaya Tower apparaissent comme très attirants pour les touristes. D'après les commentaires des clients, la cuisine russe et est plutôt bonne. Beaucoup de visiteurs mentionnent que vous pouvez commander un brouet savoureux ici. Une bière délicieuse fait parti des boissons les plus commandées dans Druzhba. Ici, vous pouvez consommer un café immense. Les clients n'apprécient pas vraiment prendre des pancakes à ce lieu.

L'atmosphère agréable de cet endroit fait que les invités se sentent bien et passent un bon temps. Un personnel attentif montre un haut niveau d'hospitalité dans ce café. A chacune de vos visites, vous aurez droit à un service agréable. Payez un prix juste pour manger dans Druzhba. Il est connu comme un endroit avec un décor sympa. Le score général de ce lieu sur Google est de 4.6.

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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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It used to be better)) Service: Dine in Meal type: Other
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Great place! Delicious pasties, such classic ones are made in few places in the city anymore.
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Ehma, I'm trying to remember when I first landed in this most famous cheburek Moscow ... And it was, I remember, back in ancient Soviet times, either in 89, or in 90 of the last century. Since then, everything around Druzhba itself has already changed a hundred times, but here time seems to have stopped. Cheburechnaya looks like a picture from the Soviet past. It was opened, if I am not mistaken, in the early 70s, and since then little has changed here. Unless then a cheburek cost 16 kopecks, and now 70 rubles. Yes, there is an air conditioner on the wall. Pasties remained just as appetizing, although they began to save on minced meat. That's noticeable... High tables, places, of course, only standing, plastic plates and glasses ... A rare visitor does without grabbing a dose of alcohol to pasties. Speaking of visitors. The audience in the institution looks the most motley. Here you can meet anyone: from homeless people to hipster youth, from neat old Moscow pensioners to guest workers of all stripes. And I also see the traffic police here all the time. They feel good: they drove the patrol car to the very entrance - and into the cheburek. So then - all ages and social strata are submissive to pasties! Only cash is accepted for payment, cards are not accepted. Hmm, hello from the past... I try to please here on weekdays, in the first half. At this time, it is sparsely populated and calm. And still, at least a couple of people are standing at the dispensing window. Having visited the cheburechnaya several times in the evening and having found a multifaceted humming crowd, I can responsibly declare that despite the decently excited discordant op and the increased excitement of the public, everything was within the framework, without excesses. The motley crowd does not bother me, it’s just that in such a situation it can be very stressful with free places, and the cleaning lady does not always have time to clean up the remnants of the meal and the empty dishes in time. And further. Chebureks here are only with meat, there are no perversions like cheese, herbs and something else in the filling. Only classic! For me personally, for a long time this place was attractive for another reason: not far from the cheburechnaya, literally around the corner, there was one of the coffee houses of the then best coffee chain in Moscow "Kofein". Having loaded a couple of chebureks into myself, I wandered into Caffeine, where I poured a fair dose of excellent cappuccino on top. This is such a gastronomic perversion. The coffee house, alas, closed after some time, and the pasties are still alive and well. Looking at the legendary "Friendship", I am pleased to understand that she will live forever! Well, it's good ... There are very few such iconic places in Moscow left. P.S. Meanwhile, chebureks are getting more and more expensive. Already 90 rubles! There will be a steward soon. And this is already a critical mark, the institution ceases to be budgetary and therefore attractive. The poorest part of the visitors will disappear.. By the way, now the order has to wait, which has never been here before. And the aunt at the checkout barks, bulging her eyes, somehow quite soviet. As if trying his best to match the image of the institution ... P.S. Sad news: a modest announcement, printed on A4 sheet, hangs on the door: from June 28, the legendary cheburek ceases to receive guests. Whether Friendship will ever work again is unknown. The institution has worked since Soviet times - about forty years. Cheburechnaya survived the collapse of the USSR, the 1990s, survived into the 2000s and even during the lockdown of the first covid wave. Until recently, there was no end to customers in Druzhba and a special atmosphere reigned, as if the real thing had never come here. But now it has come: new restrictions on QR codes, which are just in effect from today. And Friendship is working again, everything is in order !!! And pasties are already 120 rubles each. Where to go...
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Russe, Européen, Moyen-Orient
Ferme bientôt: 21:00
€€€ Fourchette de prix par personne jusqu'à RUB 890
Druzhba sur la carte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Pankratyevsky Lane, 2, 107045
Moscou, Russie
Soukharevskaïa (métro de Moscou)
Soukharevskaïa (métro de Moscou)
Pankratyevsky Lane, 2, Moscou, Russie, 107045
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