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Plats à Café Drei Husaren

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Although some visitors found the prices a bit high, especially for the cappuccino, most agreed that the quality of the food and drinks justified the cost. The atmosphere, service, and history of the establishment were also appreciated, adding value to the overall experience.
  • Wiener Kaffee

    - highly recommended by several visitors, this coffee is a must-try for its fantastic taste and great quality.
  • - despite one disappointing review, most customers praised the apple strudel, making it a popular choice among pastries.
  • - visitors loved the cakes served at the restaurant, particularly the Sluka cake and the apple Danish.
  • Sacher

    - one reviewer mentioned that the sacher was better in Rome, but it still might be worth trying.
  • - one visitor recommended the Irish coffee, suggesting that it's of very good quality.