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Plats à Covo del Conte

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The prices are considered reasonable by most visitors. However, some visitors mentioned high prices and the use of frozen fish.
  • Risotto met Seppie

    - reviewers praised this dish, which suggests it's a must-try.
  • Octopus alla Griglia

    - despite having a sandy texture, the dish was complimented for its perfect cooking.
  • - multiple reviewers mentioned how delicious this dessert was.
  • - the pizza at this restaurant received high praise from several users, particularly for its excellent quality toppings and well-cooked dough.
  • Appetizer with Meats and Cheese

    - this was highly recommended for the quality of the cold cuts.
  • Carbonara

    - one reviewer singled out the carbonara as being particularly good.
  • Pizza Bread

    - the pizza bread served at this restaurant was described as excellent.
  • Cod Appetizer

    - despite a minor criticism about the thickness of the cream, the cod appetizer was praised for its taste.
  • Linguine and Fregola

    - these two dishes left the customers speechless due to their deliciousness.
  • Paccheri

    - this dish was described as divine, with a sauce that melts in your mouth.
  • Dessert

    - although the specific dessert wasn't named, it was called a masterpiece by one reviewer.
  • - the house wine was recommended by one of the reviewers.
  • - accompanied the linguine and fregola, and was praised by the reviewer.