
Cigalon Menu

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Plats à Cigalon

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant appears to be mixed. Some reviewers find the prices to be high for the portion sizes and quality, while others consider them more than fair or reasonable for what they ate and drank.
  • - prepared fresh in front of customers, but could use more seasoning.
  • - very good according to one review.
  • Various Offal Dishes

    - the house specialty, these dishes are worth trying for those who enjoy unique cuisine.
  • Fish with Mashed Potatoes

    - there may be a wait, but the quality of the dish is suggested to be high.
  • Veal Kidneys and Rice

    - described as succulent and excellent.
  • Traditional Dishes

    - authentic Lyonnaise cuisine that's hard to find elsewhere.
  • Duck Parmentier

    - the mash was reported to be sour, but it's a traditional dish worth trying.
  • Vol-au-vent

    - a delicious Belgian touch on the Lyonnaise menu.