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Plats à Restaurant Chez Léa

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent. Many visitors mention the generous portions, high quality of food, and reasonable prices. However, one visitor advised against visiting due to finding a hair in their dish and poor service from a waitress.
  • Menu at 35€

    - this menu is highly recommended by many visitors for its impeccable service and quality. It seems to offer great value for money.
  • Côte de Boeuf

    - a visitor mentioned that it was one of the best they had ever tasted. The entire meal from start to finish was highly praised.
  • - this dish was specifically mentioned as being delicious.
  • Assiette, Planche de Viande et Dessert

    - these dishes were noted for their generous portions and excellent quality.
  • Homemade dishes with local produce

    - the restaurant is known for using fresh, local ingredients in their traditional dishes.