
Chez Alfio Menu

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Plats à Chez Alfio

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant appears to be quite low, with many customers finding the prices high for the quality of food served.
  • Sandwiches with Raw Vegetables

    - unfortunately, the restaurant seems to have missed out on serving these during one visit.
  • - multiple reviews mention that this dish was not up to par with expectations and lacked authentic flavor.
  • - a beef dish that unfortunately was overcooked and seemed to be made from leftover cuts of meat.
  • Pastries from the Petite Boulangerie de Maurage

    - these seem to be a hit with visitors, especially when paired with coffee.
  • Leffe Beer

    - served at an appropriate temperature and enjoyed by guests.