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Plats à C'era Una Volta

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is considered very reasonable. Most visitors find the prices surprisingly cheap for the high-quality food and service provided.
  • New Year’s Eve menu

    - highly praised by both locals and tourists, this special menu offers a variety of delicious dishes that are perfect for celebrating the new year.
  • - known as Grandma's insider tip, this dish is a must-try for pasta lovers.
  • Starter, main course, and dessert

    - this three-course meal is well portioned and beautifully presented. The dishes change regularly, ensuring fresh and high-quality ingredients.
  • Steak Americano with pepper sauce

    - despite being slightly over-seasoned for some, the excellent quality of the meat makes it a popular choice.
  • Pasta with garnet

    - a unique dish featuring high-quality ingredients including chilli oil and Sicilian lemons. Some find the flavors to be strong, but it's definitely worth trying if you're into bold tastes.
  • Daily changing menu

    - authentic Italian dishes prepared with fresh ingredients. The lack of a fixed menu ensures a unique dining experience every time.
  • Wine selection

    - the restaurant offers a variety of very good wines that pair well with their dishes.

Plats et boissons à C'era Una Volta


tiramisu che panna cotta zabaione gâteaux parfait glace zuppa inglese gâteau crèmeux mousse semifreddo


pizza pâtes dukkah spaghetti viande steaks filet mignon kama poisson bœuf hamburgers burgers kachamak pizza aux nachos completo filet mignon chili carpaccio fruits de mer tortellini filet américain fromage saucisses loup de mer ricotta pâtes aux fruits de mer crevettes bissara rechta steak de thon rôti de bœuf ravioli pâté terrine veau frankfurter champignons popara pâtes italiennes calamari viande de bison pâtes aux crevettes pizza italienne surf and turf pâtes au homard filet de boeuf soupe