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Plats à Casa Jienilor

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of the price/quality ratio, reviews indicate that while the food is generally good, it is not cheap. Some reviewers suggest that the quality of the food justifies the price, but others felt that the food did not meet their expectations considering the cost. Overall, the price/quality ratio appears to be somewhat mixed.
  • Sarmales

    - these are highly recommended by multiple reviewers, with one even describing them as a "dying while eating" type of wonder.
  • Papanasi with Cherries or Blueberries

    - this dessert is also frequently praised, with one reviewer noting the amazing sweetness of the cherries and blueberries.
  • - they have been described as very good by a reviewer.
  • Roe

    - a particular recommendation from one reviewer, who found it very good.
  • - the soups at this restaurant have been described as really delicious.
  • Typical Moldavian Dessert

    - this dessert has left reviewers enraptured and it comes highly recommended.