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Plats à Brasserie du Château

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent. The dishes are homemade, delicious, and hearty, and the prices are fair.
  • Skate Wing

    - this dish has been described as very good and is served beautifully.
  • Guinea Fowl Stew

    - another well-presented dish that was praised for its taste.
  • Crazy Praline

    - a dessert consisting of a half-warm praline pastry flan, praline ice cream, whipped cream, and fruit. It was described as a delight.
  • St Marcellin on a bed of Salad

    - this starter was mentioned positively, but no specific details were given.
  • Salmon Trout with Lemon Butter and Seasonal Vegetables

    - this main course was described as sufficiently copious and well cooked.
  • Perfect Fish Dish

    - though not specified, a fish dish was mentioned as perfect.
  • Fresh Seasonal Vegetables

    - these were praised for being cooked to perfection.

Plats et boissons à Brasserie du Château