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Prenez un hamburger à Brace, Pizza e Kebab
L'intérieur de Brace, Pizza e Kebab
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En plus de Istituto Friulano Per la Storia Del Movimento DI Liberazione, visitez Brace, Pizza e Kebab dans les environs.

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Evaluations des Brace, Pizza e Kebab




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Avis des visiteurs des Brace, Pizza e Kebab

/ 8
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Service Temporairement Indisponible Merci de réessayer plus tard.
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Not too far from Piazza Primo Maggio. The venue was spotlessly clean with seats sanitized at the time. The food was really good, I took a kebab piadina which I found well filled and with the piadina itself handmade. The only small flaw was the inability to pay with a debit card, I hope that, in case I return, they will have solved the problem.
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One of my favorites. The best panino kebab that I have tasted in and around here. The fresh bread that they prepare for panino is one of the specialties. Delicious bread and kebab. Pizza kebab is my all time favorite here. They also prepare some asian dishes and they are really delicious. Pakistani naan with chicken curry is something that i tried recently and it was good too. All the best team
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Tasty pakistani food. Bread is speacial. Fast service. Friendly owner. Good prices. Recommendations!
Epicerie fine, Pizza
Viale Ungheria, 46
Udine, Frioul-Vénétie julienne, Italie
Viale Ungheria, 46, Udine, Frioul-Vénétie julienne, Italie
Livraison À emporter
Heures d'ouverture
LundiLun 10:30-23:30
MardiMar 10:30-23:30
MercrediMer 10:30-23:30
JeudiJeu 10:30-23:30
VendrediVen 10:30-23:30
SamediSam 10:30-23:30
DimancheDim 10:30-23:30

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