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Plats à Bergrestaurant Etzel Kulm

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as rather high, with some users noting that prices are a little bit high, especially for tap water. However, others mentioned that the food is very tasty at fair prices, and the selection of food and drink is remarkable with moderate prices.
  • Vegetarian Dishes

    - the restaurant offers a good selection of vegetarian dishes that are not run of the mill but prepared with love.
  • - the soup is highly recommended, being described as so delicious.
  • Pommes

    - they are described as very crispy and a must-try.
  • - the salads are described as mega delicious and wonderfully presented.
  • Homemade Menus and Desserts

    - the menu offers very fine, tasty, lovingly prepared, homemade menus and desserts for the small appetite.