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Plats à Restaurant Bell'Italia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Reviewers describe the prices as "very fair" and the quality of food as "excellent", indicating a high price/quality ratio.
  • - many reviewers mention the pizza as a highlight, describing it as "the best they've ever had", "always excellent", and "magnificent and delicious". The dough is particularly praised.
  • False Filet with Morels

    - this dish was described as "good and very generous", indicating it's worth trying for meat lovers.
  • Provençal Sea Bream

    - another dish mentioned as being "good and very generous", suggesting that the seafood dishes are also well-prepared.
  • - a reviewer praised the risotto, indicating that it's a top dish at this restaurant.
  • Pasta with Marsala Sauce

    - this dish was described as "succulent" and "generous", which suggests it's a good choice for pasta lovers.