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Plats à Au Petit Robinson

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as good, with several users mentioning it offers good value for money. However, some users felt certain dishes were overpriced.
  • - the grated potatoes seem to be a popular dish among the visitors, with many praising them as "killer" and "to die for". It's mentioned that they are available in large quantities and are low-fat.
  • Kidneys with Roquefort Sauce

    - this dish has been described as a "pure delight", suggesting it is well-prepared and delicious.
  • Shreds

    - although not specified, numerous reviews mention enjoying "shreds". These could be worth trying based on the high praise.
  • Potato Fritters

    - these have been described as "very good", making them a potential choice for visitors.
  • Meat Dishes

    - general mentions of the meat being good suggest the restaurant offers quality meat-based dishes.
  • - this dessert was mentioned as being a bit small, but no negative comments about the taste were made.
  • Salad with Goat Cheese

    - this dish received mixed reviews, with one user mentioning it was overpriced. However, no negative comments about the taste were made.
  • White Lady

    - this dish was offered as a replacement for chocolate mousse, suggesting it might be a dessert option. No specific comments about its taste were made.