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Plats à Trattoria Al Campanile Duca Elisabetta

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant offers good value for money, with one reviewer mentioning they had an appetizer, a first course, and a shared second course for 25 euros each.
  • - excellent quality, highly recommended by reviewers.
  • Traditional and Reinterpreted Dishes

    - these dishes are praised for their excellent taste and use of good raw materials.
  • Tagliatelle al Cinghiale

    - a pasta dish that left a strong impression on one reviewer, making them forget their beloved Sibillini for a moment.
  • Large and Tasty Sandwiches

    - excellent for both lunch and dinner, especially in the summer.
  • Snails

    - a special dish that requires calling ahead to ensure availability.
  • "Crostone di Alice"

    - a dish with pecorino, walnuts, speck, and pears, praised for its balanced sweet and salty flavors.
  • Duck with Polenta

    - delicious according to one reviewer.
  • Torroncino Ice Cream

    - highly recommended dessert.
  • Baccalà Mantecato

    - a traditional Italian dish that was well-received by a reviewer.
  • Tagliatelle with Sardines

    - another pasta dish that was hard for a reviewer to choose as the best.
  • Tripe

    - a dish that one reviewer's husband found as good as homemade.

Plats et boissons à Trattoria Al Campanile Duca Elisabetta

Particularités du restaurant

anniversaire terrasse déjeuner endroit idéal dîner personnel amical


millefoglie gâteaux muffins strudel mousse semifreddo glace zuppa inglese gelato


liqueur cordial vin moccachino grappa vin de maison sherry sherry fino prosecco vietnamese iced tea café


gnocchi pâtes antipasto tagliatelles ragoût kachamak salsiccia polenta poisson filet américain prosciutto brouet fromage omelettes frittatas salsa ricotta viande porc goulache soupe de poulet completo speck bacon hackepeter soupe mézé crostini pappardelle prosciutto crudo sandwichs lotte